The Law against The Prevention of Power Harassment is mandatory.I would like to introduce what kind of law will change.

The Prevention of Power Harassment

From June 2020, companies are now required to enforce laws to prevent power harassment.

How does the so-called Power Harassment Prevention Act change?

What is the Power Harassment Prevention Act?

I would like to introduce.


The Act on the Prevention of Power Harassment is an obligation.

The Tax Harassment Prevention Act is now required by companies.

Large companies will start on June 1, 2020, and small and medium-sized enterprises will come into effect from April 1, 2022.

This makes it essential for companies to create an environment to prevent harassment, and they must be able to respond promptly in the event of a harassment incident.

What is the Power Harassment Prevention Act?

What is the Power Harassment Prevention Act?

The official name of the Act on The Prevention of Power Harassment is “Act on the Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Measures, Stability of Employment of Workers, and Enhancement of Professional Life.”

The abbreviation is the Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Measures Act.

Both are long and difficult to understand.

In the past, power harassment has been a hot topic, but there was no guideline for power harassment, and the standards were ambiguous, so it was not possible to determine whether it was power harassment or not.

However, due to the rapid increase in consultation spurred by power harassment and related relationships, companies were required to define power harassment.

What’s going to change in enforcement?

All three of the following are defined as power harassment.

  1. Behavior against the background of priority relationships
  2. Business required and beyond a considerable scope
  3. Damage to the working environment of workers

In the past, there have been patterns such as it is impossible to consult even if you think it is power harassment.

However, with this enforcement, companies must take measures such as establishing consultation desks, so for the working side, we can consult with out of hand, and we can expect to become an environment that is easier to work in.

What happens if you violate it?

There are no penalty provisions for violating the Power Harassment Prevention Act at this time.

However, there is a possibility that the company name be made public if an employee reports to power harassment.

Then, it will be spread by SNS etc., and the trust etc. of the enterprise will be lost.

In addition, i think there is a good chance that penalties will be imposed in the future.

Just because there are no penalties doesn’t mean you can ignore the Anti-Power Harassment Act.

SOGI Hara is also included.

The Anti-Power Harassment Act also included harassment “SOGI Hara” related to sexual orientation and gender identity, and “outings” that exposed the person’s sexual orientation and gender identity to a third party without the consent of the person in question.

There has been no law against LGBT in Japan.

You will be equivalent to power harassment, such as not being entrusted with sales because it looks like okama.

Summary of the Power Harassment Prevention Law

What’s the matter?

I think that there are many people who have suffered from power harassment in the workplace and were worried about quitting their jobs.

I would be happy if the Power Harassment Prevention Act would create an environment that would make it easier for these people to work without worrying about them.

I hope that we will become a society where any person can work without discrimination.

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